
Hugging Face技术主管带来惊喜:用MCP协议让开源大模型也能玩转SQLite数据库!

是不是以为只有那些「闭源大模型」才能调用工具?现在连Meta的Llama 3.3 70B也能轻松驾驭数据库了!



  • 要接入天气查询?得写专门的接口

  • 要查询数据库?又得写一套

  • 要对接不同的模型?每个都得重写一遍

  • 要更新某个功能?可能要改动一堆代码


  • 所有工具和功能都揉在一起

  • 代码越写越长,越来越难维护

  • 多人开发时互相踩雷

  • 想换个模型?全部推翻重写


Anthropic看不下去了,推出了「模型上下文协议」(Model Context Protocol,MCP)这个「救星」。。




  • 相当于AI的「瑞士军刀

  • 可以执行具体操作,比如调用天气API、操作数据库

  • 就像给AI装上了各种「超能力


  • AI的「资料库

  • 类似REST API中的GET接口

  • 纯查询,不涉及复杂计算


  • AI的「使用手册

  • 教它如何最高效地使用工具和资源

  • 让AI变得更「聪明



pip install huggingface_hub openai mcp


import jsonfrom huggingface_hub import get_tokenfrom openai import AsyncOpenAIfrom mcp import ClientSession, StdioServerParametersfrom mcp.client.stdio import stdio_clientfrom typing import Any, Listimport asyncio MODEL_ID = "meta-llama/Llama-3.3-70B-Instruct" # System prompt that guides the LLM's behavior and capabilities# This helps the model understand its role and available toolsSYSTEM_PROMPT = """You are a helpful assistant capable of accessing external functions and engaging in casual chat. Use the responses from these function calls to provide accurate and informative answers. The answers should be natural and hide the fact that you are using tools to access real-time information. Guide the user about available tools and their capabilities. Always utilize tools to access real-time information when required. Engage in a friendly manner to enhance the chat experience. # Tools {tools} # Notes  - Ensure responses are based on the latest information available from function calls.- Maintain an engaging, supportive, and friendly tone throughout the dialogue.- Always highlight the potential of available tools to assist users comprehensively."""  # Initialize OpenAI client with HuggingFace inference API# This allows us to use Llama models through HuggingFace's APIclient = AsyncOpenAI(    base_url="https://api-inference.huggingface.co/v1/",    api_key=get_token(),)  class MCPClient:    """    A client class for interacting with the MCP (Model Control Protocol) server.    This class manages the connection and communication with the SQLite database through MCP.    """     def __init__(self, server_params: StdioServerParameters):        """Initialize the MCP client with server parameters"""        self.server_params = server_params        self.session = None        self._client = None     async def __aenter__(self):        """Async context manager entry"""        await self.connect()        return self     async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):        """Async context manager exit"""        if self.session:            await self.session.__aexit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)        if self._client:            await self._client.__aexit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)     async def connect(self):        """Establishes connection to MCP server"""        self._client = stdio_client(self.server_params)        self.read, self.write = await self._client.__aenter__()        session = ClientSession(self.read, self.write)        self.session = await session.__aenter__()        await self.session.initialize()     async def get_available_tools(self) -> List[Any]:        """        Retrieve a list of available tools from the MCP server.        """        if not self.session:            raise RuntimeError("Not connected to MCP server")         tools = await self.session.list_tools()        _, tools_list = tools        _, tools_list = tools_list        return tools_list     def call_tool(self, tool_name: str) -> Any:        """        Create a callable function for a specific tool.        This allows us to execute database operations through the MCP server.         Args:            tool_name: The name of the tool to create a callable for         Returns:            A callable async function that executes the specified tool        """        if not self.session:            raise RuntimeError("Not connected to MCP server")         async def callable(*args, **kwargs):            response = await self.session.call_tool(tool_name, arguments=kwargs)            return response.content[0].text         return callable  async def agent_loop(query: str, tools: dict, messages: List[dict] = None):    """    Main interaction loop that processes user queries using the LLM and available tools.     This function:    1. Sends the user query to the LLM with context about available tools    2. Processes the LLM's response, including any tool calls    3. Returns the final response to the user     Args:        query: User's input question or command        tools: Dictionary of available database tools and their schemas        messages: List of messages to pass to the LLM, defaults to None    """    messages = (        [            {                "role": "system",                "content": SYSTEM_PROMPT.format(                    tools="\n- ".join(                        [                            f"{t['name']}: {t['schema']['function']['description']}"                            for t in tools.values()                        ]                    )                ),  # Creates System prompt based on available MCP server tools            },        ]        if messages is None        else messages  # reuse existing messages if provided    )    # add user query to the messages list    messages.append({"role": "user", "content": query})     # Query LLM with the system prompt, user query, and available tools    first_response = await client.chat.completions.create(        model=MODEL_ID,        messages=messages,        tools=([t["schema"] for t in tools.values()] if len(tools) > 0 else None),        max_tokens=4096,        temperature=0,    )    # detect how the LLM call was completed:    # tool_calls: if the LLM used a tool    # stop: If the LLM generated a general response, e.g. "Hello, how can I help you today?"    stop_reason = (        "tool_calls"        if first_response.choices[0].message.tool_calls is not None        else first_response.choices[0].finish_reason    )     if stop_reason == "tool_calls":        # Extract tool use details from response        for tool_call in first_response.choices[0].message.tool_calls:            arguments = (                json.loads(tool_call.function.arguments)                if isinstance(tool_call.function.arguments, str)                else tool_call.function.arguments            )            # Call the tool with the arguments using our callable initialized in the tools dict            tool_result = await tools[tool_call.function.name]["callable"](**arguments)            # Add the tool result to the messages list            messages.append(                {                    "role": "tool",                    "tool_call_id": tool_call.id,                    "name": tool_call.function.name,                    "content": json.dumps(tool_result),                }            )         # Query LLM with the user query and the tool results        new_response = await client.chat.completions.create(            model=MODEL_ID,            messages=messages,        )     elif stop_reason == "stop":        # If the LLM stopped on its own, use the first response        new_response = first_response     else:        raise ValueError(f"Unknown stop reason: {stop_reason}")     # Add the LLM response to the messages list    messages.append(        {"role": "assistant", "content": new_response.choices[0].message.content}    )     # Return the LLM response and messages    return new_response.choices[0].message.content, messages  async def main():    """    Main function that sets up the MCP server, initializes tools, and runs the interactive loop.    The server is run in a Docker container to ensure isolation and consistency.    """    # Configure Docker-based MCP server for SQLite    server_params = StdioServerParameters(        command="docker",        args=[            "run",            "--rm",  # Remove container after exit            "-i",  # Interactive mode            "-v",  # Mount volume            "mcp-test:/mcp",  # Map local volume to container path            "mcp/sqlite",  # Use SQLite MCP image            "--db-path",            "/mcp/test.db",  # Database file path inside container        ],        env=None,    )     # Start MCP client and create interactive session    async with MCPClient(server_params) as mcp_client:        # Get available database tools and prepare them for the LLM        mcp_tools = await mcp_client.get_available_tools()        # Convert MCP tools into a format the LLM can understand and use        tools = {            tool.name: {                "name": tool.name,                "callable": mcp_client.call_tool(                    tool.name                ),  # returns a callable function for the rpc call                "schema": {                    "type": "function",                    "function": {                        "name": tool.name,                        "description": tool.description,                        "parameters": tool.inputSchema,                    },                },            }            for tool in mcp_tools            if tool.name            != "list_tables"  # Excludes list_tables tool as it has an incorrect schema        }         # Start interactive prompt loop for user queries        messages = None        while True:            try:                # Get user input and check for exit commands                user_input = input("\nEnter your prompt (or 'quit' to exit): ")                if user_input.lower() in ["quit", "exit", "q"]:                    break                 # Process the prompt and run agent loop                response, messages = await agent_loop(user_input, tools, messages)                print("\nResponse:", response)                # print("\nMessages:", messages)            except KeyboardInterrupt:                print("\nExiting...")                break            except Exception as e:                print(f"\nError occurred: {e}")  if __name__ == "__main__":    asyncio.run(main())


Enter your prompt (or 'quit' to exit): HEllo Response: Hello! How can 1 assist you today?
Enter your prompt (or 'quit' to exit): Who are you?Response: I am a helpful assistant capable of accessing external functions and engaging in casual chat. I can use the available tools to provide accurate and infor mative answers. The available tools include read_query,write_query, create_table, describe_table, and append_insight. I can guide you about these tools and their capabilities, and I will utilize them to access real-time information when required.
Enter your prompt (or 'quit' to exit): Cool! Create a new table for fake products. Each product should have a name and a price. Generate 10 fake products based on video games.Response: The table has been created successfully with the following schema:- name (TEXT): The name of the product.- price (REAL): The price of the product.
Here are 10 fake products based on video games:1. "The Last of Us" T-shirt - $19.992. Minecraft Creeper Plush Toy - $14.993. Grand Theft Auto V Poster - $9,994. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Strategy Guide - $24.995. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Gaming Keyboard - $69.996. World of Warcraft Subscription Card (3 months) - $39.997. Assassin's Creed Odyssey Action Figure - $29.998. Fortnite Monopoly Board Game - $29.99 9. Resident Evil 2 Remake Collector's Edition - $99.9910. Pokemon Sword and Shield Nintendo Switch Bundle - $399.99
Let me know if you'd like to add more products or perform any other operations on the table!



  1. Client-Server架构
  • MCP采用经典的「客户端-服务器」模式

  • AI助手作为客户端发起请求

  • MCP服务器负责处理各种工具和资源

  1. 工具转换机制
tools = {    tool.name: {        "name": tool.name,        "callable": mcp_client.call_tool(tool.name),        "schema": {            "type": "function",            "function": {                "name": tool.name,                "description": tool.description,                "parameters": tool.inputSchema,            },        },    }    for tool in mcp_tools}


  • 一个标准的JSON Schema

  • 一个可以实际调用的函数

  • 详细的参数说明

  1. 执行流程
  • 当用户输入「创建产品表」时

  • 系统先把这个指令发给语言模型

  • 模型理解意图,选择合适的工具(比如create_table

  • 把工具调用转换成标准格式

  • MCP服务器执行操作

  • 最后把结果返回给用户




  • OpenAI的模型

  • Google的Gemini

  • 各种开源大模型




  • 想更新某个工具?随便改!

  • 要添加新数据源?直接加!

  • 需要优化提示词?单独调!






(文:AGI Hunt)

